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Performance issues

MyTrucking is going slow/some users unable to login

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Written by Info
Updated over a month ago

Troubleshooting Performance Issues in MyTrucking

Are you experiencing slow performance while using MyTrucking? Or an error 500? Or 502 Bad Gateway? We understand how frustrating this can be and we want to help you resolve the issue as quickly as possible. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to troubleshoot and resolve any performance issues you may be facing.

Identifying the Issue

If you're experiencing performance issues within MyTrucking, the first step is to identify where the issue is occurring. This will help us to pinpoint the cause and find a solution. Please take note of the page you're on and what you're doing when you notice the slow performance.

Clear Cache and Cookies

See this article for steps on how to clear cache and cookies on your browser.

Hard Refresh

Ctrl + Shift + R: This shortcut reloads the current page while ignoring the cached content. This means it forces the browser to fetch the latest version of the page from the server.

Browser Extensions

Do you have any browser extensions enabled? These can sometimes affect other websites. You could temporarily disable them or try incognito mode and see if that makes a difference.

Contacting Support

If you have followed the above steps and are still experiencing performance issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team via the messenger.

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πŸ”‘ Keywords: outage, down, performance

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