⚠️ This article has been updated to reflect various new features including Multi-Leg. We are gradually rolling out the new edition of MyTrucking. We will be in touch when your company is ready to be migrated. ⚠️
Split Job
Clicking the Blue Split icon simply allows you to create one or more new jobs from the existing, where the Quantity entered is subtracted from the original job.
Each job is independent from each other and can also be split again if required.
A job that is being split will not go below a quantity of zero. If the quantity being split off is the same or greater than the jobs quantity, it will be reduced to zero.
You can split off a job with zero quantity, this will effectively make a copy of the original job.
To use the Split Job feature, it must be tuned on by ticking the checkbox on the General Settings page.
When Split Jobs is activated, jobs that can be split have the Split Icon showing next to the product quantity.
The Split Job Icon
A split job is used, when a job is created that cannot be fulfilled by a single vehicle. The job is split in two or more and the vehicles are assigned to each job.
⚠️ Note:
Jobs which have multiple job lines can be split.
Multi-Leg jobs are unable to be split.
An Example of the Split Job being used:
Farmer Brown rings up Jacks Transport and wants around 400 lambs collected and taken to the sales yard sometime next week.
Jack loads an Unscheduled job of 400 lambs for the client. A few days later, farmer Brown calls and says the lambs will be in the yards on Wednesday.
Jack goes to the unscheduled job and sets the date on the job, (Jacks trucks can only take 250 lambs, so this will need to be two loads).
Jack clicks the Split Icon, and creates a job for 200 lambs and assigns it to Truck 1.
The original job now shows the remaining 200 lambs, and this is assigned to Truck 2.
The drivers complete the job as requested and return the actual tallies using the Mobile App. These quantities are automatically updated to the jobs in MyTrucking and the job is invoiced with the correct stock numbers.
The Split Job Window
When the Split Icon is clicked, the following window opens to allow the job details to be entered:
If you remove the Job Date in the split job window, this will create an unscheduled job.
Multiple Jobs over Multiple Dates
To create multiple jobs over multiple dates simply hold down the CTRL key and click on each date to select them.
Contracts are another method of splitting jobs, with the added function of tracking the remaining quantity.
For details on how to use the Contract feature click here: Contract Jobs
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