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Mobile App - Upload and Repeat Job

Allow drivers to repeat jobs including splitting jobs off existing contract

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Written by Info
Updated over a week ago

'Upload and Repeat' is an option on the mobile app that is useful for drivers doing the same job over & over again, so they can simply repeat and record jobs as they do them.

An example of when the ‘Upload and Repeat’ option is needed is when a driver is tasked with delivering the same job as many times as they can during a day, such as a truck moving material from a quarry to a job site multiple times.

If their original job was created as part of an existing contract then the repeated job will also be associated with that contract. The contract will be updated with the returned quantities from the subsequent jobs.

Note: you do need to enable this "repeat jobs" feature for each driver in your settings - see below.

How it works

When a driver completes a job you can allow them to do one of two things.

  1. Clicking ‘Upload’ will upload their information and pictures to your MyTrucking and complete the job.

  2. Clicking ‘Upload and Repeat’ will upload their information and pictures for that job, sending that info back to your MyTrucking. It then repeats that same job, opening it up in their app for them to complete.

Activating Upload and Repeat

  1. Go to Account - Users in your MyTrucking account, click on the driver's login (usually their mobile phone number) to open the Edit User Page.

  2. The tick box enabling Upload and Repeat can then be selected:

💡Top Tip

  • If your driver can already "Add and Edit" jobs, they will automatically have the ‘allow to repeat jobs’ option ticked. You can choose to untick that if you want to.

  • Anyone logged into the Mobile App as a Super User, Full Access User or Operator will have the Upload and Repeat feature enabled.

About the newly created job

  • The newly created job will contain the same details as the original job.

  • The newly created job will be automatically Accepted so that the driver can simply carry on with it.

  • The driver can enter job details as normal

  • Reference fields WILL NOT be repeated

Fields that WILL be repeated:

  • Order/Ref #

  • Origin

  • Destination

  • Product

  • Original Quantity

  • Vehicle

  • Job Note

  • Job Date


If a job is created from a Contract, jobs that are subsequently created using the Upload and Repeat feature will also be associated with that existing Contract. The Contract will be updated with the returned quantities from the subsequent jobs.

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