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Mobile App Options

Features you can turn on or off for the Mobile App

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Mobile App Options are found in the General Settings.

Go to Account – General Settings and scroll down to the section labelled Mobile App Options and tick the boxes to enable these features.

Send Jobs to App Manually:

  • There is also an option so the jobs are ONLY visible to drivers if you have confirmed it. To do this tick “Send Jobs to App Manually”

  • If this is selected, jobs will only show for the driver if you have ticked the RUNG against the truck on the Daysheet. (see pic below with the green tick for RUNG)

Note: If a job is added or edited using the Mobile App, by a user with Operator or higher access, the Rung indicator will be set to the green tick.
This means a job changed via the Mobile App will be sent to the Driver without having to go back to the office to tick it on the Daysheet.

Show first/last names:

  • If you would like the clients name to be sent with the Client Details that are shown in the app you can turn on this setting.

Show Phone Numbers:

  • If you do not wish to send the clients phone numbers to the driver, you can turn this feature off by un-ticking this setting (this is on by default).

Show Charge Client:

  • If you would like the name of the client that is being charged for this job, to be sent to the driver app you can turn this feature on. The Charge Client name will appear in the Job Notes section on the App.

Show Condition:  

  • You can select whether to show the ability to report the load condition or not.

Show Start and End Time Fields:  

  • You can select whether to show the Start Time and End Time fields on the App.

Show Reference Fields:  

  • You can select whether to send all Reference Fields or not, or select individually which reference fields are sent to the Mobile App.

Show Weight Fields:  

  • You can select whether to send all Weight Fields or not, or select individually which fields are sent to the Mobile App.

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