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How to use the Mobile Drivers App

How drivers operate the Mobile App

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Download the mobile app from the app store. Hold your phone camera over this QR code or search for MyTrucking in the google Play or App Store.

The Driver can open the app and log in. If they don't have a login yet you can add them. For more information on how to add a driver click here.

Once logged in, the driver will see the vehicles that have active jobs and are assigned to them.

Tapping the vehicle they are driving will show the jobs assigned to that vehicle.

The first step is for the driver to Accept the jobs. This will notify the dispatcher the jobs have been received, the icon on the Daysheet will change from blue to green.

To accept the jobs you can either click on the accept all button, or swipe the jobs to the left to accept individually.

After the jobs have been accepted, the driver can access the job details. You will notice the Job Notes (entered when creating the job) at the bottom of the job summary.

Tapping either the Origin or Destination name will show the client details. The dispatcher can configure whether to show the client's phone numbers by going to the Mobile App Options (go to Account - General Settings) on MyTrucking.
The driver can call the phone number by pressing the green phone icon. 

They can also click on the Show On Map button to launch Google Maps (or Apple Maps) to view the route to the location.

The Show On Map button will search for the address, or if GPS coordinates are provided (by setting the Map location in MyTrucking) the button will use the precise GPS coordinates of the location.

Going back to the Jobs page, and clicking on the arrow in the middle of the job will bring up the Job Details page. 

This is where the driver can enter the relevant information for the job (It is not compulsory to enter any information).

Once the driver has entered the desired information, the job can be sent back to the server by pressing the send button.  

The examples above show two versions of the same job (as displayed on an iPhone - an Android device will have some visual differences).
The left job has the minimum driver fields turned on and the right image has all fields available.

The information and fields that are displayed in the App can be configured for use by going to your Account - General Settings.

Viewing the Returned Data

The dispatcher will now see the job icon change to orange, indicating the job has been completed and can now be ticked as "Done".

It is important to note that the returned quantity from the driver will be updated into the job quantity on MyTrucking.

When the dispatcher clicks on the Edit Job icon (the orange phone icon) they will see the driver returned data along with any images included with the job.

The job quantity has been updated with the value the driver has entered, and the original quantity shown in the returned data.  The driver returned information cannot be changed by the dispatcher.

Re-sending Images

Should the images not be received by the server (due to network issues or the App being shut down prior to finishing) the job will re-appear on the app at the top of the jobs list with a resend icon showing. The driver can re-submit the job to ensure the images are sent to the server.

The driver can now carry on with the next job until they are done for the day.

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🔑 Keywords: Mobile app, drivers app, driver app, phone app, downloadapp,

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