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MyTrucking and Reckon Accounts

Setting up MyTrucking when using Reckon Accounts

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Written by Info
Updated over 5 months ago

To configure your MyTrucking account to correctly work with Reckon there are a number of settings to make. To ensure the options are available to select, the data is exported from Reckon and imported into MyTrucking.

Exporting IIF files from Reckon

To export the required files go to Files - Utilities - Export - Lists to IIF Files

The following window opens where you can select each list (each file needs to be downloaded separately):

The four following files each need to be downloaded from Reckon:

  • Customer List

  • Tax Code List

  • Item List

  • Class List (if you track your vehicles using the Class feature) 

When the list is selected and OK is clicked the file will be downloaded. Please take note of the file name and location so that it can be found later.

Note for Reckon Hosted: The hosted version of Reckon runs on a remote server, so an additional step is required to download the file from the remote server to the local computer.
Click on the download icon to select the file and save it to your local directory.

Importing IIF files into MyTrucking

The downloaded IIF files can now be imported into MyTrucking. 

Customers and Taxcode Lists

Go to Account - General Settings and scroll down to the import buttons:

The files downloaded from Reckon can be imported by clicking on the corresponding button, clicking Choose File and browsing to the file location where it was saved.

  • Import Customers for the Customers List

  • Import Taxcodes for Tax Code List

Item List

The Items List file is imported from the Product page.
Go to Account - Products and click on the Import IIF Items file button.

The import process will attempt to match the Items in Reckon to the products defined in MyTrucking.
If you would like any Items from Reckon that are not matched to be created as products, tick the box on the pop-up window. This will create New Products in MyTrucking.

Class List

The Class list is used when you track your vehicles using the Class feature in Reckon.
To enable this feature in MyTrucking go to  Account - General Settings and tick the Track Vehicles tickbox.

Go to Account - Vehicles page and click on the  Import CLASS IIF file button.
You will now be able to match your Vehicles in MyTrucking with the Classes set up in Reckon.
Click on the Tracking Class drop-down to select the Class you wish to match the vehicle to. 

Configuring MyTrucking

On the Accounts - General Settings page scroll down to set the fields as required.

Invoice Settings:

Select the preferences you require for your invoices. 

Invoice Due Period: Select the standard due period for your company. This is the default for all customers.
Note: For customers that have individual payment terms, this setting can be set per customer by opening the Edit Client page for the customer.

Invoice Date: Select the preferred invoice date. Either the date the job was done or the last day of the month.

Currency: Select your invoicing currency.

Order lines on invoice by: Select whether an invoice with multiple jobs is ordered by ascending or descending job date.

Reckon Accounts Settings

Select or enter the settings that are specific to your Reckon Accounts.

Default Sales Tax Code: The Tax Codes available to be selected are from the imported codes from Reckon. Select the code that is used to assign the sales tax (GST/VAT) to invoices.
Invoice Sales Tax Percentage: Set the applicable sales tax rate.
Track Vehicles: Tick this if you use the Class Tracking feature in Reckon.
Link Items on Product page: Tick this checkbox if you have Items defined in Reckon and you wish to match those Items with the Products in MyTrucking.
Default Income Account: Type the name of the Account Code that is used as a default to assign revenue to. This can be found in Reckon by opening your Chart of Accounts.
Last Invoice Number: When MyTrucking generates the invoice information the Last Invoice Number will be used as a starting point to increment subsequent invoices.
Accounts Receivable Name: Type the name of the Account that is used as the Accounts Receivable account in Reckon. This can be found in Reckon by opening your Chart of Accounts and is usually "Accounts Receivable".

Remember to click SAVE once completed.

Product Settings

If you link your Items from Reckon to the Products in MyTrucking, you will have ticked the Link Items on Product page checkbox in the steps above.

Go to Account - Products and you will see a column titled "Reckon item". For each product in MyTrucking you can select the Item that the product is related to.
The available Items have been imported from Reckon in the Item List IIF file.

If you have created your products based on your Reckon Items they will already be matched. 

Customer Settings

When you edit a client in MyTrucking you have the option of setting an individual payment term for each client.
You can also select which is the preferred invoice delivery method (Email, Print or None). The default is set to Email.

Your MyTrucking account is now configured to allow invoice information to be generated and imported into Reckon. 

For information on exporting your invoice data from MyTrucking and importing the file into Reckon refer to this article: Importing MyTrucking data into Reckon

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