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18/8/21 New Release

Filter by reference, invoice status, client email confirmation, delete attachments

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Filter by Reference

Next time you're Invoicing by date, you can now sort and view jobs by reference field:

Click on the reference field to sort jobs by that field. Your references are unique to you and can be updated in your Settings.

Invoice Status

You can now easily see on your job page when a job has been invoiced. Go to: Jobs, Find Jobs, Edit Job:

An 'Invoiced' status will show next to the job when it has been sent to your accounting package and invoiced.

This helps anyone in your team to be aware of when a job has been Invoiced and avoid making changes to the job.

Remember that Super Users can Edit invoiced jobs, but anyone else must Un-Invoice a job before any changes can be made.

If you do need to update details you will now need to reverse the invoice - go to 'Find Jobs' and tick 'un invoice' for that job.

A job must be Un-Invoiced if it is to be marked as Cancelled.

Client Email Confirmation

Now when you send a job confirmation to your client by email, we will show a little tick next to the 'Email' button to confirm it was sent.

This means anyone viewing that job in the future will know that client has already been emailed. Nice and easy - saving repeat/duplicate emails.

Delete Attachments

To delete attachments in Jobs, go to the job page, view the attachments and click on the 'x' in the top right-hand side corner of the image.

A pop up will appear asking you to confirm that you want the image deleted - you can choose to cancel or confirm.

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