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Create an Import file for Sub-Contractors
Create an Import file for Sub-Contractors

Export a file that MyTrucking companies can use to create jobs

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Written by Info
Updated over a year ago

Truck & Date Report

The Truck and Date report displays all jobs assigned to a vehicle for a date range.
This applies to jobs that have been Done or Invoiced as well as Active jobs displayed on the Daysheet.  

This information can be exported as a csv file. 

The format of this file is the same as the Bulk Job Import template which allows the exported file to be used to create the same jobs in another MyTrucking account. 

If you have jobs for another company that use MyTrucking, you can assign the jobs to a vehicle (usually the subcontracting company name), then from the Truck & Date report, select the date range and company name. 

Clicking the Export CSV button will download the file that can then be sent to the subcontracting company. They can save, then import the file to create the jobs in their system.

Please Note: The Bulk Import jobs feature will create any entity that does not match existing entries in the recipient company, this includes Clients, Products and Vehicles.

A new client created using the Import function will not have an address or phone number, so this may help identify new clients on the Daysheet. 

Tip: Click on the client to open the Edit Client page and the client can be "Merged" with an existing client if required.

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