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Email Job Details (Consignment Note)
Email Job Details (Consignment Note)

Send an email detailing the job details with attachments

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Written by Info
Updated over 3 weeks ago

From the Edit Job page you can click on the Email button:

This will open a window with the Job information.
If the job has files attached, you can include these with the email by ticking them. 

Send To: You can type an email address in, or select from the Primary and Secondary email address from the Charge Client. See the tip below if you want to send to more recipients.

Once you've sent the email, we will show a little tick next to the 'Email' button to confirm it was sent. This means anyone viewing that job in the future will know that client has already been emailed.

Note: Remember to tick the attachment if you wish to send it. 

You can add or edit any of the text before sending the email.
The Job information is generated based on the Invoice Description Template defined for the product.

If the job has been returned from a Driver using the Mobile App, the Driver Completed Date and Time will be included.  

Enter the email address of the recipient, or select from the drop-down list to choose an email. This list is populated from the email addresses loaded for all clients involved in the job. 

Customise the Email Template

If you wish to customise your email template, reach out to us and we can do it for you. We can do the following customisation:

  1. Remove any fields in current “consignment note” not required

  2. Move the current fields around to the order you require

  3. Add any free text words

  4. Add additional fields from job information and job lines

NOTE: Available fields will depend on your MyTrucking setup.

Job Fields

Job ID, Job Date, Order Reference, Order Date, Origin Client Trading Name, Origin Client, Origin Client Address, Destination Client Trading Name, Destination Client, Destination Client Address, Charge Client Trading Name, Distance, Agent Label, Buyer Label, Agent Name, Buyer Name, Job Line Invoice Descriptions, Customer Company Name, Customer Address, Customer Email Address.

Job line Fields

Delivery Time, Invoiced Date, Invoice Description, Job Note, Pickup Time, Product, Units, Quantity, Rate, Total, Reference 1 Label, Reference 1, Reference 2 Label, Reference 2, Reference 3 Label, Reference 3, Vehicle1, Vehicle 1 Description, Vehicle 2, Vehicle 2 Description, Vehicle 1 Tracking Code 1, Vehicle 1 Tracking Code 2, Vehicle 2 Tracking Code 1, Vehicle 2 Tracking Code 2, Drivers Note, End Time, Start Time, Original Qty, Load Condition, Gross Weight, Nett Weight, Tare Weight, Returned At.

Top Tip 💡

If your recipient wants you to send the consignment note to multiple email addresses, you can either add them in manually, or they could create an inbox forwarding rule in their own email system.

Here are some articles on how to do this for Outlook and Gmail.

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Reach out to our MyTrucking Experts from the Messenger or search for more Help Articles.

🔑 Keywords: connote, consignment note, con note

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